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Message From THE Controller


Far Western University, Office of the Controller of Examinations (OCE) is concerned with the examination of all the faculties in the university. The office deals with all matters associated with examination right from planning the examination schedule to the issuing of academic certificates. In other words the OCE is engaged in all pre, during and post examination matters.

Far Western University, OCE acknowledges that without the cooperation of faculty members, examinations are not possible. After all what is examined is the knowledge that students receive from teachers. So, the examination process begins in the classroom. The continuous assessment of students by way of assignments, quizzes, presentations, classroom interactions, project work, group work and mid-semester examinations are of as much significance, sometimes even more so, than the semester-end examination, and the reason is clear enough. Engaging students in continuous assessment followed by feedback helps measure their performance levels regularly. This in turn facilitates improvement practices that boost students’ performance, and prepares them for the examination at the end of the semester. It goes without saying that continuous assessment during the semester plays a pivotal role in improving performance in the semester-end examination as well.

In the present times it is a well-established fact that globalization of higher education has necessitated a certain level of uniform standard in teaching, learning and evaluation. Far Western University, OCE is mindful of this, and pledges to work diligently with the concerned university authorities to ensure that students who pass out from the university do not face any hurdles owing to disparity in evaluation parameters at national as well as international levels.

In the digital world of the 21st century high expectations are placed on the OCE. Like in many other universities the Far Western University, OCE team is expected to provide swift services with utmost accuracy. It is therefore time to give up manually conducted activities of the traditional mode, and initiate the process of automation of this office. The university plans to direct efforts towards this end, and OCE team believes that the office will be fully automated within a short period of time.

The Far Western University, OCE faces many challenges. However, our spirits are high and we are engaged in our responsibilities with a high level of commitment. We are committed to sustain and build up on our credibility and reliability, and work unwaveringly for the welfare of students.

We look forward to welcoming you!

Anuradha Rokaya,

Email: anuradha.rokaya@fwu.edu.np

Office of the Controller of Examinations

Far Western University